The Authors have to follow the below guidelines provided before submitting manuscript to IJMRCS.
Articles should not be published elsewhere and are only being considered by this journal. The manuscript should not be steep plagiarized. Submitting author is responsible to ensure co-author’s consent to publish an article, and the submitting authors must be sure that the article has all decisive institutional approvals. Addition communications and proofs will be sent to the authors before publication, else will be informed. All submissions are copyright by “IJMRCS” terms of service.
It is implied to the authors to submit their manuscript with an attachment of a cover letter the details of the manuscript as, article type, the title of the manuscript, authors details, as well as accepting to publish your work in the “IJMRCS”, the number of tables, figures, and words along with supporting documents and information.
There is no in specific word count limit for the submission of the type of manuscripts such as: Research Article, Review Article, Case Report, Image Article, Mini Review, Case Series, Clinical Report ,Clinical Images, Technical Paper, Commentary, Editorial, Historical Study, Short Communication, Opinion, Brief Report, Literature Review, Letter to Editor.
For your reference purpose only, we have specified the word count below the guidelines, but depending upon the type of research the word count can be maximized and accepted from the researchers across the world.
The Article should contain around 4000-5000 words; in which abstract word limit should be between 140-260 words. Original articles must follow the manuscript preparation guidelines.
The Article should contain around 4000 words; abstract word limit should be between 170-250 words.
The Article should contain around 2500-3000 words; abstract word limit should be between 140-250 words and with a minimum of 10 references to a maximum of 30 references. Submitted case reports should be uncommon and the clinical examination to be made on one or more number of patients.
The Manuscript should not contain more than 1200 words and with a minimum of 7 references to a maximum of 13 references.
The Article should not contain more than 3500 words; Abstract word limit should be between 160-260 words with a minimum of 13 references to a maximum of 23 references. It is a concise review of a particular area where the references need to be cited within the past 4 years.
The Article should not contain more than 1300 words and should be with a minimum of 4 references to a maximum of 14 references. In a letter to the editor, authors can convey their thoughts and can raise their concerns on newly published articles.
Clinical images are limited to 5-7 images with a maximum of 300-400 words in case narration or image narration with 3-5 references.
The Authors have to follow the guidelines provided below before the submission of manuscript.
The Manuscript title should not be inferior more than 120 characters in it.
Detail full names of all the authors as well as their affiliations.
The Author affiliation should be cited in the order: Department, University/Institute, City, State, and Country; to identify different affiliations use superscript numbers.
For further corresponding author has to list their full name, affiliations, telephone number, and email address.
Abstracts are limited to 140-270 words that describe the Aims, Methods, Results and Conclusion for research/original article of the study. The author needs to summarize their findings. Do not include any citations in the abstract.
Authors can include a maximum number of five keywords.
The text should include Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and Acknowledgement. Use numbering for references in the body text.
All Results should provide complete details of the observation that should support the closure of the study. Figures and tables included in the results section.
In this section should be separate or can be united with results and discussion or can be mixed with the conclusion and discussion but results and discussions should not be the same or repeated. Detailed analysis of data should not be included in the results; it should be included in this section.
The Authors can include funding acknowledgement statement in their manuscript. Authors are encouraged to list all the funding sources used for the preparation of the manuscript and should provide the grant number and authors associated with specific funding resources.
In this category, the authors feel free to highlight the individuals or contributors who have directly or indirectly provided any technical assistance to the original work. And it would not be considered to meet the criteria for authorship. The authors must seek the consent of the individual or contributors, whom they would like to mention in this section as a matter of reverence.
In this category includes figures and their title, and description. And figure and table legends should not be repeated in the text. If a figures and tables has been published elsewhere, then you need to get permission from the copyright to reproduce the object at the time of submitting the agreement form. Figures should be numbered in structure.
Tables should not be fixed with the text, but it can be cited in the text part. Each table should contain description. There is no limit for table’s submission. The tables should provide new info but not the same given in the text. Don’t use spaces while creating tables. The table must be provided in a word document, so that the text in the table can be ease to copy and editable as per journal format.
We don’t limit the number of supplementary material items that the author has to include in the manuscript. Supplementary materials should be named S (Example Figure S1, Table S1, etc.). Make sure those supplementary items should be cited in the text.
All the given references should be numbered continuously in the order and in which they are first cited in the text part. The author can also cite the references in the tables and figures apart from the text part. And the author’s surname and year should be included if publications are cited in the text.
In this section, individuals, funds, grants, should be recorded in this part. All the Authors are needed to reveal any type of conflict of interest in this part of section. Funding support of the material research financial help for the examination and the work detailed should be plainly recognized in this part.
The Review Board of the “IJMRCS” is responsible for deciding which of the articles will be published in this journal. The publication decision is based on the judgment of the journal's reviewers. The Editor-in-Chief/Editor may speak with other editors or reviewers in making this decision.
The Revoked articles can be re-submitted through the online submission or can be sent by through e-mail and must be submitted by a cover letter with revision of the manuscript.
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